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Determinism with Gen AI

Generative AI or Gen AI for short, is stochastic by design. It inherently produces outputs that include hallucinations. These hallucinations are not bugs but rather intrinsic features of the technology, meaning that Gen AI will never be 100% accurate or reliable. This inherent uncertainty should be acknowledged and managed rather than attempting to eliminate it within the Large Language Models (LLMs) themselves.

Gen AI should not be expected to be entirely free from errors or hallucinations. Instead, the focus should be on building robust downstream filters and guards to manage these inaccuracies. Effective management involves creating Compound AIs or flows that are purpose-built for specific use cases, incorporating dedicated filters and validators for AI-generated content. This approach ensures higher quality and reliability in the final outputs.

For instance, the requirements for code generation and content creation in marketing are vastly different. Each use case necessitates specific filters and knowledge graphs to meet the required standards of accuracy and quality. By building specialized pipelines where LLMs are just one component, organizations can leverage the strengths of these models without over-relying on their outputs. This structured approach allows for better control over the generated content, enhancing its consistency and adherence to quality benchmarks.

LLMs, while powerful, are not inherently efficient and should not be viewed as standalone solutions. They are the best tools currently available for certain tasks, but their potential for error and inefficiency necessitates additional layers of quality control. Implementing comprehensive pipelines with contextual filters and validators helps mitigate the shortcomings of LLMs, ensuring that the final outputs are of high quality and reliable.

This approach also addresses the hype surrounding LLMs. While LLMs are capable of generating impressive content, they should not be believed to be infallible. Instead, they should be viewed as valuable tools that, when integrated into a well-designed pipeline, can significantly enhance the overall system’s performance. The key is to manage expectations and focus on practical implementations that leverage LLM capabilities effectively within a broader, more reliable framework.

Building better pipelines where LLMs play a part but are supported by other elements, such as filters and validators, is essential. This method ensures that the generated content meets the desired standards and reduces the risk of errors or inaccuracies. For example, in code generation, filters can check for syntax and logical errors, while in marketing content generation, validators can ensure brand consistency and relevance.

By acknowledging the limitations of LLMs and compensating for them with robust downstream processes, organizations can achieve better results. This approach not only improves the quality of the generated content but also enhances the overall reliability and efficiency of the AI system. The combination of LLMs with specialized filters and validators forms a powerful toolset that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different use cases.

The key to managing generative AI effectively lies in recognizing its stochastic nature and implementing comprehensive pipelines that include LLMs as one part of a larger system. By doing so, organizations can harness the strengths of generative AI while mitigating its weaknesses, ultimately delivering higher-quality and more reliable outcomes.